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Home 5 Change and adoption 5 Are compassionate redundancies possible?

Are compassionate redundancies possible?

In this week’s podcast we a joined by three brilliant guests; Yvonne Wilcock CPO of Empowering People Group (EPG), Caroline Moore Managing Director at Working Transitions and Rena Christou Director and Employment Lawyer at Halborns. With our guests we explore the concept of compassionate redundancies, where an employer looks at the ways they can best support employees that are being made redundant. 

Who are the Empowering People Group? 

The Empowering People Group is made up of AdviserPlus, Working Transitions, Halborns and Learning Nexus. One of the services they offer is supporting people who find themselves impacted by redundancy and help them transition into their next role. 

In this podcast we ask them if it’s possible to combine compassion and compliance when dealing with redundancies, as they can be complex and if not done correctly can incur legal ramifications. We also discuss if this difficult process can be improved by emphasising the role of emotional intelligence and empathy in managing redundancies.  

Why you should have a listen: 

Listen to this podcast to learn about the importance of creating a culture of openness and honesty within your organisation. Each one of guests is from a tech-enabled business so we’ve also asked them what role technology should play in supporting redundancies.  

Finally, it is well known that redundancies can have a huge impact on mental health for those not only leaving the business but also employees who are remaining. It also takes time for the organisation to re-establish roles and responsibilities and get back to business as usual. We discuss the ways the impacts can be softened for all those involved. 

Find out how you can implement a supportive and empathic strategy for your team now by listening to this podcast:



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