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Can HR improve employee engagement with these five strategies?

by | Feb 23, 2023

Employee Experience and Engagement
Home 5 People experience 5 Can HR improve employee engagement with these five strategies?

Can HR improve employee engagement with these five strategies?

Chris and Debbie Mitchell are joined by Rob Boland, COO of Reward Gateway, on this podcast. Reward Gateway is an employee engagement platform that consist of several features with the aim to boost employee experience. One of these features include improving employee wellbeing. They recently published a report on the 2023 employee engagement trends. In the report there are five strategies that can be implemented to help improve employee engagement. These strategies are:

  • Treat managers like they matter because they do.
    • 93% of employees say feeling listened to be leadership is important to wellbeing, with 74% saying ‘fair play’, 64% saying a ‘manager who cares’.
  • Focus on employee wellbeing as the heart of engagement.
    • 9% of employees rate their employer’s mental wellbeing support as good or excellent. Same with physical (32%) and financial (28%)
  • Don’t let employees drift into disengagement.
    • 24% of employees say they are no longer going ‘above and beyond specific responsibilities.’
  • Use recognition as a hidden power.
    • 72% of employees agree wellbeing would improve if they were thanked for their work.
  • Stay agile to absorb change.
    • 1 in five HR leaders saying that their employee engagement strategy allows them to adapt.

Listen in as Rob briefly outlines the topics of the five key strategies in the report, which you can read here. In addition, he provides insight into what some of the statistics mean for employee engagement and wellbeing

Only 27% of people said that their financial wellbeing support is good or excellent. In the report 57% of employees admit that the stress from the cost-of-living crisis is impacting their work. Do business leaders need to ‘wake up’ and see the impact this is having on productivity? Do more business leaders need to recognise the correlation this will have on their bottom line?

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