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People experience:

Employee experience: where does the remit lie?

Employee experience: where does the remit lie?

'Which team should look after employee experience? In a recent HR on the Offensive podcast  Chris and Emma Leonis from LACE spoke to Tope Sadiku, Global Head of Digital Employee Experience from Kraft Heinz about just that. We discussed how the pandemic focused the...

Who is responsible for good employee experience?

Who is responsible for good employee experience?

Who is responsible for good employee experience? Can the culture of a company affect it? Does leadership play a role? Chris discusses this with Tope Sadiku from Kraft Heinz. https://soundcloud.com/user-539831783/who-is-responsible-for-good-employee-experience

Championing neurodiverse talent – what is HR’s role? 

Championing neurodiverse talent – what is HR’s role? 

This blog includes one of the the topics discussed in our recent One Big Thing research. Click here to learn more. What is neurodiversity and why aren’t employers tapping into this important talent pool? Especially at a time of critical talent shortages? What are some...

What is the state of financial wellbeing in the UK?

What is the state of financial wellbeing in the UK?

How has the global pandemic shifted businesses approach to how the look at financial wellbeing? What more can employers be doing to support employees? How can employees and employers work together to make employees feel less vulnerable when it comes to financial...

Creating an outcomes-driven performance culture 

Creating an outcomes-driven performance culture 

How can organisations use the performance management process to drive business outcomes, rather than use them merely as a ‘tick box’ exercise? In a recent HR on the Offensive podcast we discussed this with Roly Walter, founder of Appraisd and below is an overview of...

The six shifts in candidate experience 

The six shifts in candidate experience 

Late in 2021 we spoke to HR industry influencer Merv Dinnen about a whitepaper he wrote in conjunction with SHL. In today’s blog we have summarised some of his thoughts and picked out some of the key talking points, which looked at the six shifts that are commonplace...