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In the News

We’re proud to be a voice in the HR transformation, technology and consultancy space. Read where we’ve been featured across external publications and press.


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Four-day week trial leading to greater retention and productivity - Gemma Ryall | Jul 2024

Gemma Ryall, senior manager at LACE Partners, commented on an article by People Management about four-day work week and likely growing interest to public sector organisations.

Read the full article here

Only two in five HR professionals would recommend their company to others - Chiara Camerada | Jul 2024

Chiara Camerada, HR transformation senior manager at LACE Partners, was asked to comment on a the results of a survey that reveals that only 42% of HR professionals would recommend their company to others.

Read the full article here.

Data-driven decision-making in HR - Nancy Allen | Jun 2024

Nancy Allen, People Analytics specialist here at LACE, has been featured in the HR DIRECTOR with an insightful article on data-driven decision-making in HR.

Read the full article here 

One in five large firms underperforming on employee relations objectives - Cathy Acratopulo | May 2024

Our Co-Founder Cathy was asked to comment on a research report from AdviserPlus that was featured in People Management Magazine, looking at results showing that UK organisations are failing to meet key employee relations objectives. She spoke about the ‘ripple effect’ that could be caused if businesses aren’t delivering efficient processes, for line managers, employees and more.

Read the full article here.

Mutualism - Jessica Herniman | May 2024

Jess from our Change team gave some thoughts on the importance of maintaining a healthy organisational culture, as well as the balance between cultural identity and meeting the evolving needs of your business.

Find out more in the latest edition of the HR Director magazine (page 36), which you can register for and read online here.

Basic finance and payroll understanding - Simon Puryer | May 2024

Simon Puryer is asked to contribute on a piece in the CIPP magazine regarding the importance of educating employees, family and friends on basic finance and payroll. Read the artcile here.

Five steps to a holistic EX strategy - Cathy Acratopulo | Apr 2024

Following the launch of our EX revolution campaign at the end of 2023, Cathy from LACE was asked to comment about our holistic EX model for Workplace Wellbeing Professional. You can read the full article here.

Value-adding technology - Chiara Camerada | Mar 2024

In March, Chiara from our team was asked to give her views on how HR can drive maximum value from their technology investments. You can read the full article here.

LACE HRSS Trends report | Mar 2024

The launch of our latest HR Shared Services Trends Report 2024 was featured across a variety of new media in March, including:

Employer News

Business in the News

City News

Daily Business Now

HR Press

Need to see it news

South East Online

UK Business News

Wellbeing News

Gender pay gap challenges - Pavan Bilkhoo | Feb 2024

Pavan Bilkhoo spoke to the People Management team in February, quoted on the website on an article focused on gender pay gap challenges. Read more here

Payroll Trends - Chris Kirby | Jan 2024

Chris Kirby from our Payroll team was asked to give his thoughts on some of the big trends for payroll teams in 2024. Read more here

HR function - Debbie MItchell | Jan 2024

Debbie Mitchell is featured on People Management, discussing the perception of the HR function amongst employees. Read more here

Succession planning - Pavan Bilkhoo | Jan 2024

Pavan from our team was featured on the CMI website discussing the importance of succession planning. Read more here


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Supporting 'accidental managers' - Pavan Bilkhoo | Dec 2023

LACEr Pavan Bilkhoo is featured on People Management, sharing insights on how a strong learning and employee experience strategy can support the ‘accidental managers’ and help them succeed. Read more here

Transformation debt - Julian Holmes | Oct 2023

In the October edition of the HR Director magazine, Julian Holmes from our team wrote a piece which looked at ‘transformation debt’ that so many businesses come across. Visit the website here

ICO's announcement - Cathy Acratopulo | Oct 2023

The recent announcement by the ICO on the dangers of companies monitoring their employees without reasonable justification was featured on the PM website and Cathy Acratopulo was asked to comment on behalf of LACE Partners. Read more here

Return-to-the-office edicts - Cathy Acratopulo | Sep 2023

Cathy Acratopulo, co-managing director at LACE Partners, is featured on Management Today, offering tips for making return-to-the-office edicts more palatable to employees. Read more here

Gamification in HR - Ed Sparkes | Aug 2023

Ed Sparkes, director at LACE Partners, contributes to an exciting discussion about gamification and how game-like mechanics are becoming increasingly part of HR functions. Read more here

Over 50s return to work - Tim Ringo | Aug 2023

We were asked to comment on the impact of ‘returnships’ for over-50s in an article written for People Management online magazine. Tim from our team was quoted, which you can read here.

Blackout Fridays - Debbie Mitchell | Aug 2023

In August, Debbie Mitchell was asked to comment on a story based on whether businesses will follow the trend of having ‘blackout’ Fridays. Read the article here.

Money management - Chris Kirby | Aug 2023

HR Magazine asked Chris Kirby from LACE Partners to comment on HR professionals and their management of money, following research conducted relating to financial wellbeing. Read the article here.

Change management case studies - Ed Spakes | Jul 2023

In this article for HRD, LACE’s Director Ed Sparks uses three diverse case studies to emphasise the significance of change management and how it is often overlooked by business leaders. Read the article here.

PWA whitepaper | Jul 2023

In July, The HR World publication ran some social media activity to promote our People and Workforce Analytics whitepaper. Read and download the whitepaper here.

Return-to-the-office mandate - Cathy Acratopulo | Jul 2023

Cathy Acratopulo,Co-Managing Director at LACE, shares her views on the animated debate around mandatory return to the office and the pros and cons for organisations and employees. Read the article here.

HRBPs' readiness - Debbie Mitchell | Jul 2023

Debbie from our team was asked to comment on why many HR leaders do not think their HRBPs are ready to step in to the future requirements of the evolving HRBP role. You can read the article in People Management here.

People data and analytics - Julian Holmes | Jun 2023

Julian Holmes of LACE Partners is featured on HR Zone with an article that highlights the importance of people data and analytics. Read the article here.

Pay equity gaps - Chris Kirby | May 2023

In May Chris Kirby from our team was asked to comment on pay equity gaps, featured in HR Magazine. Read the article here.

Great Place to Work | Apr 2023

LACE Partners was featured in The Guardian as one of the top ‘Great Places to Work’ at the 2023 Awards. We are delighted to have moved from position 29 to 23 in the UK’s ‘small companies’ category! See the full list here

Great Place to Work | Apr 2023

LACE Partners was featured in The Telegraph as one of the top ‘Great Places to Work’ at the 2023 Awards. We are delighted to have moved from position 29 to 23 in the UK’s ‘small companies’ category! See the full list here

Skills for the future - Rebecca Addison | Mar 2023

In March we were asked to contribute to a supplement on skills for the future, for HR Magazine. See the supplement here.

Organisational change - Tim Ringo | Jul 2023

In April we were asked to comment on why organisational change is required to support the digital workforce of the future. You can read the article here.

HR to help drive company decisions - Tim Ringo | Jul 2023

Tim Ringo from our team was featured talking about why HR should be at the forefront of making strategic business decisions in the boardroom. You can read the article here.

Top HR podcasts to listen | Mar 2023

In March we were delighted to be featured as one of the top 10 HR podcasts to listen to by the ‘in a hurry’ by HR Technology Advice website. Find out more about the podcast and other podcasts here.

HR to adopt a strategic and tactical approach - Tim Ringo | Feb 2023

In the article ‘Tactical vs strategic HR: How HR software helps both’ published by People XCD, one of our Directors, Tim Ringo, commented on how important it is for HR to adopt both a strategic and tactical approach. Read more

Introducing Julian Holmes | Feb 2023

We have recently added Julian Holmes to our senior leadership team. Click here to read how he will help the LACE execute a number of keystone plans.

Protirement and ageism - Tim Ringo | Feb 2023

In February one of our Directors – Tim Ringo – was featured in a Worklife article about protirement and ageism. You can read the article here.

Statistical people data | Feb 2023

In February we were asked to comment on an article written by HR Grapevine on the volume of statistical people data that is collected. Read the article here.

Impactful HR in a financial crisis - Chris Horton | Feb 2023

One of our Directors – Chris Horton – was featured in the February 2023 edition of the HR Director Magazine with a feature on ‘impactful HR in a financial crisis’.

To get the latest edition of the HR Director visit their website here.

Mobeus private funding | Jan 2023

The announcement that LACE Partners had secured funding from private equity business Mobeus saw us be featured across a number of different news outlets, including All Posts News, Business in the News, Daily Business Now news, Employer News, Need to see it News, Small Business News and UK Business News.

Mobeus private equity funding | Jan 2023

Our announcement of private equity funding via Mobeus was announced on Consultancy UK in January. Read more here.

Protirement - Tim Ringo | Jan 2023

Calling it ‘protirement’, Tim Ringo from our team commented in the Saturday edition of The Telegraph. Read the full article here.

People engagement - David Pacifico | Jan 2023

In January David Pacifico was asked to be a panellist on a webinar hosted by HR Magazine which looked at how organisations can ensure that their people are engaged with the engagement tools they used. David was joined by specialists from CultureAmp, as well as the HR Director from the Morson Group. Watch the on demand version of the webinar here.

CHROs' role - Tim Ringo | Jan 2023

Worklife ran an article looking at how CHROs are increasingly looked at as the types of professionals who could step into a CEO role. Tim Ringo from our team was asked to comment and give his thoughts. Read the article here.


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People data - Emma Leonis-Hughes | Nov 2022

In November our Executive Director Emma Leonis-Hughes was featured in HR Magazine discussing smoke and mirrors….

“The need to properly utilise data to identify what needs to change has become more urgent and it has been made clear that it is more logical for HR to take the lead in data collation and analysis, in order to identify the challenges that need to be overcome for successful transformation. Until the recent seismic changes, workforce transformation was focused on digitalisation, while employees became accustomed to an ad hoc approach to change, with new systems bolted onto old.”

One Big Thing | Oct 2022

In October we made headlines across five syndicated publications for our latest ‘One Big Thing’ research. We were featured in Employer News, Business in the News, HR Pathfinder Club as well as UK Business News, which you can find the link for below. See the article here.

Recession proof engagement | Oct 2022

In October we were featured by worklife in their article ‘Amid economic turmoil, HR budgets are under threat’. Debbie Mitchell from our team reminded HR teams to return to basics for recession proof engagement. Read the article here.

Employee monitoring | Sep 2022

In September we were once again asked to comment on the Worklife website, this time with Emma Leonis, who was quoted within an article looking at employee monitoring and the value it has for HR teams. Read the article here.

Data-led people decision making - Chris Horton | Aug 2022

In August one of our Directors – Chris Horton – was featured in an article looking at data-led people decision making in HRO Today. See the article here.

Anonymous feedback surveys - Debbie Mitchell | Aug 2022

We were asked to comment in Worklife on the value of anonymous feedback surveys. What are the benefits and drawbacks? Debbie from our team commented. Read the full article here.

Quiet quitting - Cathy Acratopulo | Aug 2022

In August we were asked for our thoughts on the current trend of ‘quiet quitting’. Our Managing Director and Co-Founder Cathy Acratopulo was quoted. Read the full article here.

HR Shared Services Trends Report | Jul 2022

Following the launch of our HR Shared Services Trends Report we were featured in Employer News, underlining how continuous improvement reminds HR’s Achilles heel. Read the article in full here.

Being an authentic leader - Liz Bailey | Jul 2022

In July our Senior Manager Liz Bailey was quoted in an article on what it takes to be an authentic leader, featured on the Employee Benefits website. Read the article in full here.

Importance of data protection - Kayley Gaylor | Jun 2022

In June one of our Senior Managers, Kayley Gaylor, was featured in HR review online, discussing the importance of data protection and whether it is a problem for the HR team or other departments. Read the full article here.

Great Place to Work | Jun 2022

In June we were featured as one of the UK’s 35 consultancies that has obtained their Great Place to Work accreditation, on the Consultancy.UK website. See the full list here.

Stakeholders' buy-in - Aaron Alburey | May 2022

In May our Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was asked to give his thoughts on how HR gets better buy-in from stakeholders, on the online version of Unleash’s news website. Read the full article here.

People data | Apr 2022

We discuss the importance of getting your data organised and effective before embarking on any digital transformation. Read the article here.

Great Place to Work | Apr 2022

In the Thursday 28th April edition of The Guardian LACE Partners was featured as one of the top ‘Great Place to Work’. We are delighted to be ranked within the top 30 of all small companies in the UK! See the full list here.

Great Place to Work | Apr 2022

On Saturday 30th April LACE Partners was again featured as one of the top ‘Great Place to Work’ in the Telegraph. We are delighted to be ranked within the top 30 of all small companies in the UK! See the full list here.

Hybrid working and wellbeing - Cathy Acratopulo | Feb 2022

Our Co-Founder Cathy Acratopulo was featured online and in print in the HR Director Magazine, where she talked about the balance of hybrid working, wellbeing and what businsses need to focus on when it comes to attraction and retention. Read the article here.


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Budgeting post-Covid | Oct 2021

In October 2021 Max Bailey from our team was asked to comment on budgeting in a post COVID world. You can read his comments in the article here.

HR tech for hybrid work | Oct 2021

In October 2021 we were asked by People Management magazine to provide our thoughts on the HR tech that will be needed under hybrid working post pandemic. Aaron was asked for his thoughts, which you can read here.

Managing data - Aaron Alburey | Sep 2021

In September 2021 our Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was featured on the Unleash website, with his article discussing how to manage data for an effective Cloud Management Strategy. Read the article here.

HR Cloud strategy - Aaron Alburey | Sep 2021

In September our Co-Founder Aaron was featured in HRZone talking about making your business case for your HR Cloud strategy and readiness. Read the article here.

Returning employees - Aaron Alburey | Sep 2021

In September Aaron Alburey was featured online on Wired in an article talking about boomerang employees returning back to previous businesses they have worked for. Read the article here.

Organisation design - Aaron Alburey | Aug 2021

In August our Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was featured in the digital and online version of The HR Director Magazine, with his two page feature looking at organisation design in the new era we live in. Read the article here.

LACE leadership team | Aug 2021

In August 2021 new members of our recently formed Leadership Team were featured in Consultancy UK, as we continue to grow to support our clients with senior experienced HR practitioners. Read the article here.

Impact of the pandemic on HR teams | Jun 2021

Our June 2021 article on the impact of the pandemic on HR teams was also featured on HR Grapevine’s website. Read the article here

Research on HR Directors and senior HR professionals' burnout | Jun 2021

In June 2021 we were featured across a number of different media including Employer News, UK Business News, SME Business News, UK News Latest, HRD Pathfinder News and AllPosts, following some research we conducted looking at whether HR Directors and senior HR professionals are experiencing burnout. Read the Employer News article here

Research on HR Directors and senior HR professionals' burnout | Jun 2021

Our survey in June 2021 on the impact of the pandemic on HR Directors and their teams was featured online on HR Magazine’s website. To find out more about how HR Directors and CPOs are potentially facing burnout, read the article here.

Impact of the pandemic on HR teams | Jun 2021

In June 2021 our article on the impact of the pandemic on senior HR professionals was featured in The HRDirector Magazine. Read the article here.

Burnout that HRDs are facing | Jun 2021

Our June 2021 survey on the burnout that HRDs are facing was featuring in HRreview. If you would like to read the article you can do so here.

Challenges for HR teams in the payroll landscape - Aaron Alburey | May 2021

Our Managing Director and Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was asked to give some insight in to the global challenges HR teams face when they are looking at the payroll landscape. Read the article featured online for Unleash here.

Importance of belonging - Liz Sanders | May 2021

Liz Sanders from LACE Partners was quoted in D&I Leaders online portal on the importance of ‘belonging’ and how that impacts people’s working life. You can read the article here.

Businesses downsize their office space - Aaron Alburey | May 2021

Aaron Alburey was quoted in an article within Employer News, which was also featured in the HRDirector magazine, looking at offices downsizing their office space. Click here to read the article.

Businesses downsize their office space - Aaron Alburey | May 2021

Aaron Alburey was quoted in an article within the HRDirector Magazine about businesses downsizing their office space in the post-pandemic era. This joint piece was also written with our partners Applaud. Click here to read the article. 

2021 HR trends | May 2021

Consultancy UK ran a feature on some of the HR trends our team had predicted for 2021. Click here to read the article and see what trends were predicted.

COVID-19 and HR as a strategic business partner - Cathy Acratopulo | Apr 2021

We were asked to comment on how the COVID-19 pandemic has re-enforced the importance of HR and our Co-Founder and Managing Director Cathy Acratopulo was quoted in HRO today. Read the whole article today.

2021 HR trends | Jan 2021

LACE Partners were featured on Consultancy.uk after announcing that former Accenture Managing Director for HR Transformation Liz Sanders was joining the team. The article also highlighted a 2021 HR trends piece that LACE Partners wrote. Click here to view the full article and announcement.


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HR Teams aren't ready for transitioning back to normal - Cathy Acratopulo | May 2020

We were featured on the online version of The HRDirector. The piece is from Cathy Acratopulo and looked at one of the startling stats from a recent LACE webinar – that 89% of HR professionals suggested that they had no plan, or were still developing a plan, for the transition back to ‘business as usual’ following the global pandemic. Click here to view the full article.

How HR can help support and step up | Apr 2020

We were featured in an online HR Magazine article looking at how HR can help support and step up when a leader of an organisation has been suddenly stopped from performing their duty (like Boris Johnson during the Covid-19 global pandemic, in which he contracted the virus). Click here to view the full article.

Process mining - Emma Leonis-Hughes | Mar 2020

Emma Leonis from LACE Partners was featured in an article assessing what process mining is and how it is finding its way into the vocabulary of HR Teams. Click here to see the full article.

Building blocks - Aaron Alburey | Oct 2019

Our Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was featured in the October 2019 edition of HR Magazine, in a tech supplement, with the article entitled ‘Building Blocks’.

HR on the Offensive report | Oct 2019

In October 2019 HR Grapevine ran a feature in their online magazine which profiled ‘HR on the Offensive’. Click here to see the article.

What to look for in a new technology - Aaron Alburey | Aug 2019

Our Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was featured in ERP Today magazine online and in print, providing readers with insight on what to look for when shopping for new technology for their business. Click here to see the article.

HR on the Offensive report | Aug 2019

The ‘HR on the Offensive’ whitepaper was featured in Consultancy UK as an online article, with the focus on what HR leaders can do to ‘up their game’. Click here to see the article.

LACE Partners growth strategy in 2019 | Jul 2019

When our Marketing Director Chris joined the business in July, Consultancy UK ran a piece which quoted Chris and Co-Founder Aaron Alburey, as part of LACE Partners growth strategy in 2019. Click here to see the article.

Selecting a chat bot partner - Aaron Alburey | Sep 2019

Aaron Alburey was featured in September’s People Management magazine – in hard copy print – for advice on what HR professionals need to think of when selecting a chat bot partner.

HR on the Offensive report | Jul 2019

Following the launch of ‘HR on the Offensive’, HR Grapevine ran an overview of the findings of the whitepaper in their online news section. Click here to see the article.

HR on the Offensive report | Jun 2019

LACE Partners launched its white paper ‘HR on the Offensive’ and in the July edition of HR Magazine we were featured with an overview of the findings from the report. Click here to view the article

HR on the Offensive report | Apr 2019

Our Co-Founder Aaron Alburey was interviewed in an article about choosing the right tech selection. You can find a copy of the interview in the hard copy version of April 2019’s People Management magazine. LACE Partners launched its white paper ‘HR on the Offensive’ and in the July edition of HR Magazine we were featured with an overview of the findings from the report. Click here to view the article