
Engaging the unconnected workforce – LACE webinar

by | Jan 18, 2022

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Engaging the unconnected workforce – LACE webinar

Emma Leonis hosted Henry Victor from BP and Sharon Benson from Edison Young People in the latest LACE Partners webinar, which looked at how you can engage those unconnected workforce from across your business. The trio discussed:

  • What main challenges are ‘unconnected’ workers facing?
  • How do you provide HR services and support to these groups?
  • Is a ‘mobile first’ or ‘self-serve’ strategy always the best approach?
  • What interventions have really made a difference and how you can measure their impact
  • How can you ensure that everyone feels they have a voice and there isn’t a perceived difference in the level of support provided across unconnected workers versus their more office-based colleagues?
  • What are some of your lessons learned?