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The importance of one-to-ones

by | Jan 19, 2023

Employee Experience and Engagement | Workplace and wellbeing
Home 5 People experience 5 The importance of one-to-ones

The importance of one-to-ones

In this podcast Chris and Debbie Mitchell speak to Anna Rasmussen, CEO and founder of OpenBlend – the next generation performance management tool that helps businesses build high performance cultures. The trio talk the importance of one-to-ones between line managers and employees – are line managers are the single most important factor to productivity and retention? Can they be the ‘make or break’ of somebody’s career and therefore should organisations ensure that one-to-ones are given the priority and value maximized above all else?

The team talk about how one-to-ones should be more than just a task review. They should be valuable, frequent, have a breadth of content and an effective conversation that draws out more than just “what’s on your plate this week”. An unproductive meeting can be demotivating and reduce performance and so one-to-ones are a powerful to create a two-way nature within meetings, for managers to have the confidence to ask what they might be doing that is getting in the way of the employee’s performance and what they can do help. These meetings are an opportunity for them to create a strong rapport which will result in impactful conversations. Managers need to be curious; they need to be able to dig deeper and discuss the things they cannot see or might be difficult. This is important in understanding what works best for their employees and how they can effectively support them in their work. This is critical in the post covid world, where hybrid and flexible working is predominant. It is crucial for managers to allow their employees to have the opportunity to take control of the agenda of their one to ones. Additionally, employees must be proactive in booking their own one to ones because ultimately it is in support of their career and performance.

Listen in below to the latest edition of the podcast.

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