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GRIDtalk: Creating world-class IP for HR transformation

We’ve been invited by our good friends at Method Grid to talk about how to create world-class IP for HR transformation.

We’ve been working with Method Grid for a number of years and have used their services as a vital part to our approach to delivering on our processes and projects to deliver consistency and innovation. During this session the fabulous Becky Jones from our team is going to be talking through our approach – The LACE Way (which you can find out more about here), as well as how we utilise playbooks to deliver on our service categorisation and embedding knowledge within our business.

During the session we’ll be covering:

The LACE Way: A fundamental shift in thinking

  • Overview of the LACE Partners approach to HR transformation
  • How a fundamental shift in thinking drives innovation and success in HR initiatives
  • Introduction to the LACE-Way

Services categorisation: unlocking shared expertise with playbooks

  • Introduction to services categorisation and its significance
  • How LACE Partners’ playbooks provide clients with access to a wealth of shared expertise
  • Static vs Dynamic – How playbooks provide tailored solutions for each client

People Engagement and Embedding Knowledge

  • Strategies for engaging employees in the process of creating and using IP
  • Techniques for embedding knowledge and expertise within every project and team
  • Ensuring continuous improvement and knowledge sharing across the organisation

The Power of Playbooks: Supporting HR Functions and Beyond

  • Detailed exploration of potential applications for playbooks in various HR functions
  • How playbooks can streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and ensure best practices

It’s a 45 minute presentation with some Q&A at the end and if you’d like to join Becky and the Method Grid team click on the link to register your details.

When is it?

Date: Thursday 27th June 2024

Time: 1:00 pm

Location: Virtual

Meet the speakers:
Becky Jones, Director, LACE Partners

In this session Becky will share her knowledge as the project leader for our LACE Way approach. She'll talk through how we've evolved and adapted the LACE Way using a collaborative approach across a variety of our LACErs in our different service offering areas.

Register for this event now: