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HR press: what’s the word?

by | Mar 23, 2023

Future of Work
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HR press: what’s the word?

In this episode host Chris speaks to Kay Phelps founder of PR in HR which topics she is seeing getting the most coverage in the HR press – and which areas are not. PR in HR are a specialist PR agency working with organisations daily to get noticed and have their own voice. 

They have recently released a report which analysed over 1500 articles in 9 key HR publications to show the workplace issues that journalists are talking about. Chris along with Kay delve deep into this report and pull out the key takeaways. Listen as they also compare this year’s results to the 2021 report to see what topics have increased in popularity, emerged or lost relevance. 

 Kay tells us that HR’s top discussed topics were:

  • Employee regulations (17.4%) 
  • Talent (16.8%) 
  • Pay (14.7%) 
  • Health and wellbeing (13.3%) 

Most HR issues are not at the top of media’s agenda unless there is a headline problem because the news tends to focus on paramount issues that are happening in the moment. Listen to this podcast as they analyse the results and look forward to what is next later on in 2023. 

We have seen a huge shift in focus in the last six months due to the economic and societal turbulence, with no end in sight in that area. Reports such as these help to underline how quickly topics and challenges in the HR space come and go – and what is front of mind at the moment.  

Further insights:  

For further information on current trends and how organisations can tackle ongoing challenges take a look at some of our related articles and podcasts: 

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