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We help businesses at any stage in their HR or Payroll transformation journey. We can start from the beginning with a business case or top line strategy, join in the middle building out a tech road map or desiging a new operating model or help with a QA and technology adoption. We have some examples below but the best way to understand how we can help is to reach out – a member of our team will be happy to run through how we can support you.
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Our latest insights
Unlocking the counteroffer conundrum: Short-term gains or long-term pitfalls?
At a time in which we are seeing plenty of media coverage around counteroffers like the CIPD’s summer Labour Market Outlook, which was widely reported in the HR press, in today’s blog we thought we would take some time to look at the root cause of the reason – are...
How can we ignite innovation?
Today's podcast episode revolves around the theme of innovation. Chris and LACE Director, Ed Sparkes delve into this concept, its significance in organizations, and practical approaches to fostering it. How can you turn the value of innovation into tangible...
The rise of globalised multijurisdictional payroll
At LACE we’re often talking to Payroll teams about the latest developments and, as part of the regular set of Payroll community events we run, there are common themes that often emerge. Today’s blog looks in a little more detail about one of those themes, which is why...