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Why do we need to redefine workforce productivity? Fireside chat

by | May 31, 2023

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Why do we need to redefine workforce productivity? Fireside chat

In our latest ‘fireside chat’ video Chris Howard, Debbie Mitchell, Adam Morris and Chris Horton talk about our latest campaign focused on why businesses need to redefine the narrative around workforce productivity. The team look at why it is a dated term, why we feel that more organisations need to look at performance and focus less on just looking at outputs as a measure of success. This is the first of three fireside chats that we’ll be running in the coming weeks and is just one part of our campaign, which features blogs, videos, podcasts and more.

This video looks at how businesses think differently – focus on the ‘human-led’ side and not the ‘business-led’ terminology. It is not just about ‘cracking the whip’ in an output-led environment, but creating the environment for people to work more efficiently, who are more engaged, feel more empowered and, ultimately, aligned to the goals of a business. Businesses need to focus more on why people occupy the jobs they have. How is that person contributing towards the business goals? This short video reviews some of these questions. There will always need to be a financial value that businesses need to et (to stay in business), but businesses need to be more purpose-led, which then leads to innovation and ultimately toward greater ‘productivity’.

If you want to find out more about the campaign you can do so here.

If you’d like to talk to us about how your business can improve its employee engagement, value proposition, or approach to how you redefine productivity, reach out to us using the form below.

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