What challenges are HR leaders faced with? - LACE Partners
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What challenges are HR leaders faced with?

by | Jul 8, 2021

Capability | Change | HR Transformation | Organisation Design
Home 5 People strategy 5 What challenges are HR leaders faced with?

What challenges are HR leaders faced with?

Chris Howard is joined by Emma Leonis from LACE to discuss some of the challenges HR leaders are faced with, such as, ‘How do you deliver employee-centric services given geographic challenges?’ and ‘How do you create a one-team culture in HR?’ This podcast is a follow-up session from our May webinar, where we spoke to Vale Dale – Aggreko and Jayne Traill – Syngenta.


Check out these additional resources:

What is the role of leadership in enabling skills-based organisations?
How can HR leaders navigate the future with AI?
How can leadership shape culture and drive engagement?

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