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Archive: Chris Horton

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Chris Horton:

Reflections from the CIPD Festival of Work

Reflections from the CIPD Festival of Work

In this week's blog we hear from our very own Chris Horton, who tell us about the highlights and insights from the CIPD Festival of work. Buzzing with energy and ideas, not to mention quite a lot of people on a warm London day, there were approximately 10,000...

HR’s ‘one big thing’ in 60 seconds

HR’s ‘one big thing’ in 60 seconds

What is the most pressing strategic objective for senior HR professionals in the next 18 - 24 months? What are Chief People Officers (CPOs) most concerned about and what is keeping them up at night? How do they tackle these issues? In our latest 60 second video Chris...

HR’s ‘One Big Thing’

HR’s ‘One Big Thing’

What’s keeping CPOs up at night? What are the biggest challenges faced by HR leaders in the next 12 to 24 months? In 2022 LACE Partners asked 30 CPOs from a wide variety of industries and company sizes, to provide the answer to a simple question on “what their ‘one...

Life @ LACE: Chris Horton

Life @ LACE: Chris Horton

In today’s blog we talk to a member of our Extended Leadership Team, Chris Horton, about what life is really like to be a ‘LACEr’. We are in an exciting period of business growth with lots of new clients and a growing team, of which Chris is a big part of it. Chris...