
What can we learn from the HR Analytics Summit?

by | Sep 20, 2023

People Analytics
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What can we learn from the HR Analytics Summit?

This latest podcast features Nancy Allen from the People and Workforce Analytics team here at LACE, discussing her recent attendance at the HR Analytics Summit. The conference gathered heads of people analytics and their teams, offering a platform for HR professionals to connect, share insights, and discuss common challenges.   

Nancy explains the current trends to emerge from event around HR analytics. This includes a key takeaway around going back to basics, emphasising that even advanced organisations still need to focus on foundational aspects like data quality and governance. This foundation is essential for building credibility and trust in more advanced analytics efforts.   

The podcast touched on the ongoing discussion around AI in HR. While AI is a hot topic, many organisations are still in a wait-and-see mode, trying to understand how it will impact their analytics efforts and workforce. Ensuring ethical use of AI and addressing biases remains a critical concern. 

Nancy also discussed the human element in HR analytics, pointing out that while advanced analytics and AI can be powerful tools, they should not overshadow the importance of the broader employee experience. HR professionals need to remember that employees spend only a fraction of their time at work, and their experiences outside of work can significantly influence their behaviours and choices.    

Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) was another focus of the conference, highlighting the importance of aligning HR analytics with broader business objectives. SWP requires a combination of human and technological elements to create effective workforce plans. Organisations are beginning to recognise the value of integrating SWP more closely with their analytics teams. 

Listen now for a discussion showcasing the dynamic nature of HR analytics and the constant need for HR professionals to adapt and innovate in response to changing workforce trends and technologies. 

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