Client stories
We help businesses at any stage in their HR or Payroll transformation journey. We can start from the beginning with a business case or top line strategy, join in the middle building out a tech road map or desiging a new operating model or help with a QA and technology adoption. We have some examples below but the best way to understand how we can help is to reach out – a member of our team will be happy to run through how we can support you.
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Our latest insights
What can we learn from the HR Analytics Summit?
This latest podcast features Nancy Allen from the People and Workforce Analytics team here at LACE, discussing her recent attendance at the HR Analytics Summit. The conference gathered heads of people analytics and their teams, offering a platform for HR professionals...
How do you maximise your ROI with HR technology?
In the third of our series of webinars focused on avoiding buyer’s remorse with your HR technology, some of our experienced LACE team hosted Daniel Balshaw from Oracle, as we looked to answer some of the key challenges that teams face when trying to effectively define...
How is HR expertise evolving on corporate boards?
Chris invites on guest Katie Jacobs to shares her insights on a recent CIPD report called “The value of people expertise on corporate boards” exploring the evolving role of HR professionals in corporate leadership. She highlights the shift in corporate governance...