Our services

Talent and skills

Empower your workforce to continually evolve.

Economic uncertainty, automation, post-Covid shifts, and changing workforce attitudes have forced a rethink of talent, skills, and learning. By optimising talent acquisition and learning and development functions, organisations can glean significant improvements to experience, workforce productivity and efficiencies, as well as support the engagement and retention of key talent.

The move towards becoming a skills-based organisation will enable rapid responses to changing business models and technological advancements. To yield these benefits, HR are required to re-imagine their core functions and competitive differentiation. However, a transformation of this scale requires a new strategic mindset towards a flexible workforce, continual reinvention of skills and imbuing the right culture to support it.

This requires a fundamental shift in understanding the current and future workforce skills requirements, evolving the culture of the organisation and investing in HR technology to enable this.

How we can help you:

Reimagine your talent roadmap

Are you striving to build out a world-class candidate experience through a talent acquisition transformation project, but need some help?

We help organisations to reimagine their talent, skills and learning approach to deliver a greater return on investment. We work with your business and key stakeholders to develop a business aligned strategy and roadmap that’s fit for the future.

Build your skills and talent value case

Are you adopting a skills-based approach to identifying the future skills your business needs? Are you thinking about where you need to reskill parts of your business but you’re not sure where to start?

What talent technology do you have? Is it working for you? Are you able to articulate the benefits to the business?

We do an in-depth analysis of your functions, assess your technologies and develop a value case for how you may best optimise them.

Independent advice on the right tools to manage your talent

With so many different types of talent and skills technology out there in the market, where do you start? How do you know what is right for your business that suits your requirements?

We are vendor agnostic, so can provide an independent review and identify opportunities to deliver a greater return on investment via third parties.

skills-based organisations, skills, talent

Becoming skills-powered

We help you rethink work, jobs, and skills and guide you through key considerations for implementing a skills-based organisation.

What makes us fundamentally different:

We are experienced talent, skills and learning experts

We are technology agnostic, so can provide objective thinking for greater opportunities

We’ve been you, so know the challenges you face and can provide experience led insights

We are flexible and tailored in our approach

Global mining company - Talent Acquisition Transformation

Our top client story

Talent acquisition transformation​ for global mining company

Our latest content on Talent and skills:

Speak to a Talent and skills expert today.

We’ll assess your current situation, design an approach tailored to your business needs and culture, and deliver solutions that fit your timeline and budget.